Music is a drug... once you get a little taste its hard to quit there different styles.. different meanings and different genres... half the time when you hear a song you will be like what are you talking about and what did you just say?another proven fact is things can be hidden in tracks that you didn't even catch but not only that music can influence someone's feelings and thoughts. now think about it. The music you listen to today or right now how does it make you feel? good,mad,sad, or just straight up explicit things that you didn't mean to be exposed to? now with me I am always careful with the music i listen to but most of all i can learn and hear every word in a song by hearing it once ( one little taste) one sound or sometimes the same. But hey a song can easily sound innocent for a minute and in a spilt second it turns into a whole other thing. Open your eyes people look at the rap game,pop,techno,hiphop,country,Christian,gospel,rock,metal,blues,R&B and others ( sorry so many) what is the mission or point there trying to get across? Hope you all have choose the right music path i leave this discussion with that.
What's new?!?
trying to keep up with the fam plannin on having a Gathering with everyone and my bro is finishing college which is great. most of all i just wanna spend time with them because like my cousin would say by the time someone wants to meet or check up on you is only when there in the hospital or has already passed on and my goal is to change that.. come back to how it was before.... but even with friends i always keep up with pretty much everyone for example friends came back from Ga and its been 2 years but yet i keep up with them since they have left now all I gotta do is start going to the youth events from my church haven't been in a while.
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